
Georgetown University Law Center

Since 2011, I have taught at Georgetown a seminar entitled The Law of Public Utilities:  Bringing Competition to Historically Monopolistic Markets.  The course is based on my book Regulating Public Utility Performance:  The Law of Market Structure, Pricing and Jurisdiction (2nd edition) (Amer. Bar Assn. 2021).  Students study public utility law, but can write their semester papers about any industry.  I have received successful student papers on milk monopsonies in New England, the bundling of seeds and pesticides in the Midwest, the dating app industry, the luxury space travel industry, the sperm donation business, cloud computing (that student author won a national prize for her paper), Youtube’s market power, Ticketmaster’s market power, and many more subjects.  The syllabus for Fall 2024 is here.


The Regulatory Training Institute of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners

For the regulatory community, I replicate my Georgetown course each year on a pro bono basis.  It is my way of giving back to a community that has given me so many opportunities and taught me so much.  NARUC’s RTI sponsors this webinar, consisting of 12 consecutive Monday evenings, 90 minutes each.   Information on this year’s event, which begins September 9, is here.  The syllabus, nearly identical to the Georgetown syllabus, is here.

Industry Diagrams

Electricity Market Structures
Transactions Read
Permissible Corporate Structure After February 2006 Read
Regulatory Complexity: The Electric Industry Example Read
Authorizing Competitive Entry: Who Did What, When? Read
Market Structures for Demand Response: Six State Options Read
RTO as Provider of Transmission Service Read
Price-Squeeze Strategy Read
Rate Equations Read
Paths to Cost Recovery Read
Mobile-Sierra Doctrine: When May FERC Change the Parties' Contract Terms? Read
Regulatory Litigation: 10 Steps, 17 Interactions Read